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来源:陕西新闻网作者:李子光更新时间:2024-07-17 14:48:09 阅读:



What is the English word for "日程安排"?

Have you ever wondered how to say "日程安排" in English? Don"t worry, the English word for "日程安排" is "schedule".

What does "schedule" mean?

"Schedule" is a noun that refers to a plan or a list of planned activities, events, or tasks arranged in a specific order and time frame.

How do you pronounce "schedule"?

The word "schedule" is pronounced as /ˈʃɛd.juːl/ in British English and as /ˈskɛd.jul/ in American English.

How can I use "schedule" in a sentence?

Here are some examples of how you can use "schedule" in sentences:

  • I have a busy schedule today, with back-to-back meetings.
  • Don"t forget to check your schedule before making any plans.
  • The doctor is fully booked this week, so you"ll need to schedule an appointment for next week.
  • She carefully scheduled her study time to ensure she had enough time for each subject.

Are there any synonyms for "schedule"?

Yes, there are several synonyms for "schedule" such as timetable, agenda, itinerary, plan, or program.

Can "schedule" be used as a verb?

Yes, "schedule" can also be used as a verb. When used as a verb, it means to plan or arrange something according to a specific time frame. For example:

  • We need to schedule a meeting for next Monday.
  • The event was scheduled to start at 7 PM.
  • She scheduled her work tasks for the week ahead.

How important is having a schedule?

Having a schedule is essential for organizing and managing your time effectively. It helps you prioritize tasks, stay organized, and ensure that you allocate enough time for each activity. Without a schedule, you may find yourself overwhelmed or missing important deadlines. Therefore, having a schedule is highly recommended for personal and professional productivity.


In conclusion, the English word for "日程安排" is "schedule". It refers to a plan or a list of planned activities arranged in a specific order and time frame. Having a schedule is crucial for time management and productivity. So, make sure to schedule your tasks and activities to stay organized and accomplish your goals efficiently.





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