
主页 > 资讯 > then怎么读_then怎么读英语


来源:网络转载更新时间:2023-11-28 11:27:35 阅读:

What does "then" mean in English?

"Then" is an adverb that is commonly used in the English language. It can be used in various ways to indicate different meanings depending on the context.

How is "then" pronounced?

"Then" is pronounced as /ðen/ with a voiced "th" sound, followed by the short vowel sound "e", and ending with the "n" sound.

What are the different meanings of "then"?

"Then" has several meanings depending on the context. Some of the common meanings include:

1. At that time: "I was studying in high school back then."

2. In that case: "If you don"t want to go, then I won"t go either."

3. Next in order: "Finish your homework, then you can play with your friends."

4. Therefore: "The weather was terrible, then we decided to cancel the picnic."

5. In addition: "First, we"ll visit the museum, then we"ll have lunch."

How do I use "then" in a sentence correctly?

To use "then" correctly in a sentence, you need to understand its meaning in the given context. Here are some examples:

1. "I will finish my work, and then we can go out for dinner."

2. "If it rains, then the picnic will be canceled."

3. "He was tired, then he took a nap."

Can "then" be used as a conjunction?

Yes, "then" can be used as a conjunction when it is used to express a sequence of events or logical reasoning. For example: "She studied hard, then she passed the exam."

Can "then" be used as a noun?

No, "then" is not commonly used as a noun in English. It is primarily used as an adverb or a conjunction.

Are there any synonyms for "then"?

Yes, there are several synonyms for "then" depending on its meaning in a sentence. Some common synonyms include: at that time, afterwards, subsequently, and therefore.

Does "then" have any related words or phrases?

Yes, there are a few related words or phrases that are commonly used with "then." These include: since then, until then, by then, and even then. These phrases help to further clarify the time or condition of an event or action.

Overall, "then" is a versatile word that is used to express time, sequence, logic, and reasoning in the English language. Its correct usage adds depth and clarity to sentences, making it an essential word to know and understand.






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